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2020 Summary – 2021 Projections

At the start of 2020 Ringelstetter had been planning to take the art community by storm with his entry into every possible show he could get into, but between the flood in the fall of 2019 and the global pandemic, Ringelstetter was forced to grow and set his sights in a new direction. The artist has been home since his last show in February of 2020, which took place in the neighborhood of Coconut Grove in Miami, Florida. With the unexpected time off due to Covid-19, he was able to do some home renovations which has helped with his morale and therefore his work.

At this time Ringelstetter is planning to attend a show in Dallas, Texas this coming April, but the experience looks a little different now than when it was scheduled. This year has hit many of us right in the pocket book and Ringelstetter is no exception, but he’s doing every possible thing he can think of to keep himself creating and sharing his work with the world. This twist in the plot hasn’t been all bad though. Thanks to the unexpected free time the artist was able to enjoy his downtime, catch up with old friends, and explore both old and new hobbies while steadily trucking toward his dreams at a comfortable rate.

It is my belief that this time spent pursuing his highest joy is what has allowed Ringelstetter an even deeper access to the spiritual realm and therefore the ability to channel at a much clearer and quicker rate. These messages have helped steer him toward a new lens for the future, which is why this year we’ll likely see him collaborating with other artists on a larger scale and building up Atomic7 Studio into the incredible entity Ringelstetter envisions in his mind.

For many of us 2021 is a year of rising from the rubble and reclaiming our lives, and Ringelstetter is no exception. Stay tuned to see what he alchemizes from his own ashes.

Darienne Keniece

1 thought on “2020 Summary – 2021 Projections

  1. I think of you and your dad often. In the summer of 2019, near Spring Green,WI, a friend of mine from Alabama and I were at your show.

    I’ve not been to hundreds of art shows, maybe only 2 dozen or so. Yours is the only artist’s show where I spent so much time roaming through the gallery enjoying your work. Your creations are so remarkable.

    Tonight I was gently dusting my baby and parent elephant picture and hoped
    I could get a “Thank you” to you.
    I love my “EMBRACE”. I also so enjoy the STOP sign with the marshmallow roast with “SILLY JAKE”.

    I had never purchased art from an artist before, but your unique creativity just drew my heart.

    What a wonderful gift you have.
    I will forever be grateful for your art pieces. Thank you.

    I hope all is well with you, your family and friends.

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